Once Upon a Time
Elena Manferdini
Once Upon a Time explores the relationship between icon, materiality, and meaning. This exploration exists inside the life of the tableau or still life where inanimate objects become animated. This animation is the beginning of a narrative, an entirely new temporal world, a fantasy world parallel to everyday reality. This world is miniaturized, as objects are represented as toys, lending themselves to private fantasy, and their ontologies become multiplied. Once Upon a Time is to play, to try out different sets of contexts, and to explore different meanings without the scrutiny of the absolute
What is playing above is the recorded process of me playing. Sculpting little objects by hand, dressing them in different outfits, exploring scale, multiplying them into an array, forming patterns. I recorded this play frame by frame, allowing me to animate the process. This animation is the beginning of narrative. An entirely new temporal world. One free from facts and rules. Leading to a little story about Wink and Icon who only had monuments to play with.
Once Upon a Time